Role of Voltage Stabilizing Diode
Voltage stabilizing diode is also called Zener diode or reverse breakdown diode and it plays a role for stabilizing voltage in the circuit. It works for stabilizing the voltage after reverse breakdown of the diode by using its characteristic that the reverse voltage will not change with reverse current within a certain reverse current range.
Voltage stabilizing diode is normally manufactured with silicon semiconductor materials by way of alloyage or diffusion process. It has the unilateral conduction characteristics of a conventional diode and can also work under reverse breakdown state. Voltage stabilizing diode is cut off when reverse voltage is relatively low, but when reverse voltage reaches a certain numerical value, reverse current increases suddenly and voltage stabilizing diode enters breakdown area and at this point, reverse voltage at two terminals of voltage stabilizing diode keeps basically unchanged even if reverse current changes within a large range. Voltage stabilizing diode would be broken completely and spoiled after reverse current increases to a certain value.
Classification of Voltage Stabilizing Diode
Voltage stabilizing diode, according to different forms of enclosure, current capacity and internal structure, may fall into a variety of types.
Voltage stabilizing diode, according to forms of enclosure, falls into metal enclosure voltage stabilizing diode, glass enclosure voltage stabilizing diode and plastic enclosure voltage stabilizing diode. Plastic enclosure voltage stabilizing diode again falls into two types: lead wire type and surface enclosure type.
Voltage stabilizing diode, as per its current capacity, may fall into large power voltage stabilizing diode (above 2A) and small power voltage stabilizing diode (below 1.5A).
Voltage stabilizing diode, according to internal structure, may fall into single-electrode voltage stabilizing diode and two-electrode voltage stabilizing diode (three-electrode voltage stabilizing diode).